Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm into leather

Remember that scene in the film "Annie Hall" where Woody Allen considers what all of his former classmates grew up to do? And that one innocent-looking girl says "I'm into leather"? Little known fact, but that was me as a little girl. (OK, not really. And just to clarify, my interest in the material is purely for fashion's sake.)

[And P.S....all of you vegans/vegetarians/consumer-conscious...what's your opinion on leather? I've been a vegetarian before in terms of my eating habits, but never managed to give up leather or fur.]

Frye Engineer Boots at Urban Outfitters
Frye makes the perfect leather boot. I love the Engineer Boot because it's tough but simple. I'm not much of a 'goth'/'punk' fashion person, although I could see someone taking this boot in that direction. I'd probably pair it with jeans, a really girly top and a bunch of gold charmed necklaces.
Silence & Noise Wyatt Moto Jacket at Urban Outfitters
Nothing has earned me compliments from my guy friends like my leather jacket. It's cool; it's effortless; it's versatile. They can make even your girliest dresses look tough. Buy one today!


Kate @ Tres Lola said...

Ah yes, the classic wardrobe staple, the leather jacket. My sister is a vego and refuses to buy/wear leather & fur... I'm not vego but I won't wear fur... though can't help myself with leather stuff. Particularly shoes, leather are just so much better quality then synthetic.

Anonymous said...

I'm a vegetarian, and I won't wear fur. I haven't bought anything leather since I became one, though I haven't gotten rid of anything I had in the first place either. I'll probably buy it at some point or another, I just haven't in a while.

FAPORT International said...

Beautiful brown leather jacket, nice shoes, lovely girl..her style is nice..looking beautiful in black outfits....