Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fishnets: the ultimate sexy accessory

Sure, the shoes are cool, but my favorite thing in this photo are the stockings. Fishnets add a little spice to any outfit and make everyone's legs look a bit slimmer and more muscular. While I love the traditional pattern in matte black, my favorite is a brown pair with a slightly funkier pattern. Since fishnets are quite sensual, I would suggest keeping the rest of your outfit demure. Maybe a pencil skirt and slightly conservative sweater or button-down for the sexy secretary look?


Anonymous said...

I love fishnets, but I'm impartial to fence nets, they seem more dangerous and sexy to me. I have a pair of hot pink fence nets that i'm still trying to figure out.

thanks for the comment - would you like to exchange links?

Sara said...


Ooh, fence nets are great too...but they just never seem to make my legs look as good. If I had a pair of hot pink ones though (!)...I have no idea how I'd go about wearing those; I'd probably end up being safe/boring and going with a black dress.

Exchanging links is always appreciated :D

Desiree said...

i like gray fishnets if for something more demure but hands down my favorite hot stockings are the sheer black ones with the stitching up the back. yum.