Monday, April 20, 2009

Prom Dress of the Day #1

Hey y'all. Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been working on forming a music hasn't been intriguing me as much. (Partly because I feel like I have less money to spend these days.)

Anyway, I know a lot of high schoolers have prom coming up. When I was a senior, the dress options in the mall just didn't cut it -- tacky, poofy things just weren't my style. So these next few days, I'm going to give you a few classier, more unique options. If your past your teenage days, perhaps these would make good bridesmaid dresses?

J. Crew Silk Taffeta Strapless Sangle Dress in tropical aqua, $215
Buy it here.

1 comment:

FAPORT International said...

Very nice dress!! i like it very much:)